Your ski career is just beginning but your aims are high! In the snow plough position you will learn how to turn on easy slopes and also how to ski parallel. There is no shortage of fun learning snow sports.
Blue Prince/Princess:
Information about the equipment
Climbing uphill by side stepping and herringbone (scissor) stepping
As an advanced skier, you can improve your skiing skills through play. You will acquire the basics for jumping as well as safe and dynamic skiing on moderately difficult slopes in parallel turns. Now the fun really begins - the fascination of skiing will never let you go!
Your goal is for dynamic and safe skiing on all slopes. You will skilfully master the parallel swing in unprepared snow. You will learn how to underline simple jumps with a cool trick.
Black Prince/Princess:
Information about the equipment preparation
Short turns with pole planting on an difficult slope
Unlimited skiing on and off the piste, in the snow park and between the gates is what characterizes the Swiss Snow Academy Ski.
The focus is on safety, fun and successful learning.
Do you like to ski through the gates but find it is not fast enough for you? With expert coaching, you will learn great tricks in the snow park and develop your own cool style. You will be challenged and encouraged at your level in a variety of ways - you will enjoy what you learn!